The complete set of all five Alan Lacer created dvd's. Save a bundle on this bundle. Retail of $189.75, this bundle sells for $129.95.
The complete set of DVDs produced by Alan Lacer. The titles are: The Skew Chisel, Son of Skew, Woodturning: Getting Started Right!, Projects Along the Woodturning Trail, Woodturning Shopmade Tools and Jigs.
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Excellent DVDs
I'm a woodworker whose new to turning. Alan's DVDs are thorough and do a great job showing how various cuts are made. He does a great job stressing safety and the importance of sharp tools. His projects do a great job applying specific techniques. My lathe hasn't arrived yet, but I can't wait to get started! Practice, practice, practice, and have fun.
Good Videas
Great material, and content, only thing keeping from 5 stars is there are a few areas where the audio is unclear.
Very informative, professionally recorded
These DVD's are packed full of good, useful information. Alan does a Great job explaining what he is doing and showing how to do it. I'very wanted these for a long time, now I wish I would not have waited. Just think how much better I would be. Ha! Ha! Thanks Alan, Great job
This is what I wanted
I have watched only the first 3 of the 5 video set. He explains thing in a relaxed manner that would give a beginning turner, me, all the skills needed to get started. I especially appreciated his emphasis on safety, using a safety drive and you don't have to use a lot of speed to produce good work.
Wood Turning U.
This was some off the best money I have spent for my wood turning education. I have his book and videos and I am gaining the skills and confidence to tackle multiple task on the lathe and my tools are much sharper. One day I hope to attend a class with Mr. Lacer.