Skew Chisel: The Darkside and The Sweet Side DVD by Alan Lacer
Skew Chisel: The Dark Side and The Sweet Side: Learn the ins and outs of this sometimes ornery tool with Alan. He has taught and demonstrated the use of the skew to hundreds of individuals in all 50 states and 5 foreign countries. Reduce your fear and gain confidence with this amazing woodturning tool. Work with Alan to learn the basics of shaping, creating an edge and honing to refinement. He will take you through a dozen different cuts, showing what can go wrong with many of the cuts. Examples of methods of practice are demonstrated throughout the video. Once you have come to understand the fundamentals of the skew, check out his companion video "Son of Skew" where Alan applies the information from the Skew Chisel video to create a number of exciting projects. Approximate running time is 90 minutes.
Posted by glenn coutts on 1st Jun 2016
Alan thanks for a great tutorial.
I watched the whole program first and now I am studying each section diligently. Will spend next month or two just practicing, one lesson at a time. I plan to grind, practice and fail at times with the skews I already own. When I have more successes than failures, I plan to purchase Alan Lacer Skews.
Posted by Todd M. Richardello on 16th Nov 2015
A tremendous tutorial for those of us that at one time were petrified to use the skew. Alan's ability to explain the fundamentals is almost as good as having him right next to you at the lathe. I look forward to attending one of his classes in the future for this very reason.
Posted by Bev on 21st Apr 2015
I have used the skew for several years, but knew that I wasn't using it to it's full potential. After following the sharpening instructions closely, I had immediate improved results. The instructions and demonstrations are clear and informative. Putting it all together at the end with the practice project was like watching magic! After practicing the cuts myself for a bit, I look forward to reviewing the 2nd DVD.
Posted by Dean Walker on 14th Feb 2015
Excellent how to, for the skew how to sharpen and handle the skew, I really enjoyed this video and when I get this down pat I will buy the next one. if you by a new version of this DVD Alan has updated the sharpening area but left the old way in as well. GOOD stuff, thanks Alan
Posted by Paul on 29th Jul 2014
Packed with useful information. Something to be gained from each viewing. If you're interested in the skew, this is an excellent DVD to add to your library.